21 day purification program information

Take this quiz to assess your need for a detox program.  I will be leading one January 11-30, with an additional meeting/online 1 month later post reintroduction of foods to assess your potential food intolerances after eliminating most of the inflammatory/allergenic foods throughout the detox. I’m excited to lead you guys!  There’s so much more … More 21 day purification program information

Rotating Seed Cycle for Happy Hormones

In a perfectly healthy woman, the menstrual cycle and the estrogen/progesterone production will happen naturally with no help or intervention. This is, unfortunately, not the case for many women today. Excessive stress leading to excessive cortisol release, environmental toxins, poor diet, food sensitivities, digestive issues, and high coffee or alcohol consumption can all contribute to … More Rotating Seed Cycle for Happy Hormones